Course / programme / degree
1 M.Phil. in Science Education
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University of Cape Coast Ghana Cape Coast 2013-05-15
Teaching can prove to be an exciting and demanding job, and requires a variety of personal and professional qualities and characteristics. Teachers need to be able to relate well to othersand possess the skills of empathy and understanding in their interactions with learners. They must themselves enjoy learning and share this enthusiasm by providing an exciting and stimulating environment for young learners.
With a Masters in Education at University of Cape Coast you will, in your first year, typically have focused on the investigation of learning in relation to students and then children as learners, involving ‘hands-on’ experience while exploring learning in the contexts of work, community, family and school. Later you will have focused on the investigation of teaching and curriculum in relation to children’s learning, curriculum, pedagogy and research together with practical application in schools.
masters students: Topic research areas typically include research methods, management and leadership, mentoring and coaching, further Education, mathematics, science and teaching and learning in higher education
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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