Course / programme / degree
1 PhD in Film and Media
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University of California, Berkeley United States-USA Berkeley, California 2017-10-10

PhD in Film & Media

Students in the Film and Media PhD are encouraged to situate moving images within the larger theoretical and analytical frameworks of a range of other disciplines. They integrate the traditions of history, law, literature, religion and political theory to the newer disciplines of film studies and digital media, applying the tools of post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, new historicism, Frankfurt School, feminist theory, queer theory, post-colonialism. and deconstruction. Many combine their degree study with a campus designated emphasis (graduate “minor”) in New Media, in Critical Theory, or in Women, Gender and Sexuality.

Designated Emphasis in Film Studies

PhD students at Berkeley may add a Designated Emphasis in Film Studies to their major fields. The designated emphasis provides curricular and research resources for students who want to concentrate on film within their respective disciplines and have their work formally recognized. Designed to bring together faculty and students from different departments, the program provides a unique context for rigorous cross-disciplinary thinking and promotes innovative research in the theory and history of cinema.


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