Course / programme / degree
1 Mathematik, (35105),Erw. LA an Sonderschulen (Teacher)
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University Wuerzburg, Germany Germany Würzburg 2013-05-15
with a Teacher in Mathematics at the University Wuerzburg, Germany you will typically have received a solid grounding in mathematical modelling, scientific computing and probability and statistics, with a concentration on the classical aspects of the subject rooted in mathematical modelling and applications in the sciences. You will also have typically looked atapplied mathematics - probability and statistics with a concentration on mathematics and the underlying processes that involve randomness and the mathematical tools used in the analysis of data.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
IndJobtitleAcademic InstitutionCountryCityDate
1No further academic job vacancies found.
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4Mathematik, (31105),Erw. LA an Grundschulen (Teacher) University Wuerzburg, Germany Germany Würzburg 2013-05-15
5Mathematik, (32105),Erw. LA an Hauptschulen (Teacher) University Wuerzburg, Germany Germany Würzburg 2013-05-15