Course / programme / degree
1 Doctorat en sciences des radiations et imagerie biomédicale
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Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) Canada Sherbrooke, Longueuil 2013-08-20
Family and Consumer ScienceWith a PhD in Consumer Sciences at Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) you will have chosen from a variety of core and optional modules including mathematics and integrated science or social studies, clothing and textiles art, chemistry, physics, biology, economics, foods and nutrition and a second language.
phd students: You will typically have engaged in advanced research in such areas as the aetiology of diabetes, aetiology of obesity, nutritional epidemiology, child growth and development, physical activity epidemiology and the prevention of diabetes and obesity
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
IndJobtitleAcademic InstitutionCountryCityDate
1No further academic job vacancies found.
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