Course / programme / degree
1 Informatique (PhD)
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Université de Bordeaux 1 (Sciences et Technologies) France Talence 2013-05-15
Your B.S in applied computer science will have provided you with an education targeting the computing profession. You will have learned to use mathematics, science and economics, along with technological knowledge and skill in the application of programming languages and software processes, to design, analyze, implement and test software systems and applications.
phd students: You will have participated in a research programme in, for example, the area of robotics and robotics-related technologies, with a focus on biologically inspired robotics with a special investment in adaptive behaviours: neural network learning and evolutionary methods, and cognitive and psychological modelling.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
IndJobtitleAcademic InstitutionCountryCityDate
1No further academic job vacancies found.
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