Course / programme / degree
1 Master 2 Recherche : Sociétés en développement, recompositions politiques, mobilités et territoires
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University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne France Paris 2013-05-12
With a Masters in Communication at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne you will have focused on the growth and symbiosis of major areas of telecommunications, the role of media in a democratic society, and standards of social responsibility within journalism. You will have reviewed and assessed the main influences on the development of mass media and speculated upon their future.
masters students: As a Master of Arts in Masters you may have specialized in Cultural Studies theories and methods where you analysed the production, representation and reception of everyday culture, and explored areas of culture counter to cultural hegemony by taking a close look at non-mainstream approaches to cultural studies and media practice.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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1No further academic job vacancies found.
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