Course / programme / degree
1 Rural Marketing
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Loyola Institute of Business Adminstration India Chennai 2013-05-12
With a Degree in Marketing at Loyola Institute of Business Adminstration you will have received a solid grounding in such areas as market research, marketing communications, international marketing, contemporary issues in marketing, E-marketing, plus various core and optional modules in business and finance.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
IndJobtitleAcademic InstitutionCountryCityDate
1No further academic job vacancies found.
Similiar courses, programs, degrees in Marketing or in the country
IndexTitleAcademic InstitutionCountryCityDate
1Diploma In Marketing Bharati Vidyapeeth University India Pune 2013-05-15
2P.G. Diploma in International Marketing University of Delhi India Delhi 2013-05-12
3A Certificate Course in Marketing, Short Term Courses in Senior Colleges Rayat Shikshan Sanstha India Satara 2013-05-12
4Advanced Diploma in Marketing, Carrier Oriented Courses (by U.G.C.) in Senior Colleges Rayat Shikshan Sanstha India Satara 2013-05-12
5Certificate Course in Marketing, Carrier Oriented Courses (by U.G.C.) in Senior Colleges Rayat Shikshan Sanstha India Satara 2013-05-12