Course / programme / degree
1 Master of Science in Statistical Data Analysis
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Gent University Belgium Gent 2013-05-12
A statistician’s work with data ranges from planning its collection to analysis and interpretation. There are excellent prospects in business, industry, government and medicine for graduates who can apply mathematics and statistics to real world problems. As modern technology allows statisticians to deal with very large volumes of data, the importance of these well paid professionals is increasing steadily.
With a Masters in Statistics at Gent University you will have received a solid grounding in such fields as statistical modelling, applied statistics in medicine, industry and business through case studies, multivariate statistics and time series analysis, computational statistics and statistics in context.
masters students: you will have engaged in advanced study and research in such areas as data analysis, applied regression analysis, sample survey methods and statistical quality control.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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1No further academic job vacancies found.
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