Course / programme / degree
1 EUROCULTURE - Europe in the Wider World (Erasmus Mundus Masters Course)
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Gent University Belgium Gent 2013-05-12
With a Masters in Cultural Studies at Gent University you will typically, for example, have studied how the media shape social and cultural life, what media power actually is and who wields it. You will have taken modules in an introduction to media, culture and society, sociology and how major social changes have been theorized, and possibly a foundation in film studies.
masters students: You will typically have critically assessed Cultural Studies theories and methods and looked at the production, representation and reception of everyday culture. You may further have explored and contrasted the culture counter to cultural hegemony by investigating non-mainstream approaches to cultural studies and media practice.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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1No further academic job vacancies found.
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