Course / programme / degree
1 Food and Nutrition (Bachelor)
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Hungkuang University Taiwan Sha Lu 2013-05-12
Food science major programs tend to offer varying pathways to graduation: you may typically take food science and technology, food science and industry, or consumer food science. The food science and technology programs are generally aimed at students who intend to continue with graduate studies or who are interested in biotechnology. The food science and industry programs typically combine food science and business courses to prepare students for future sales and management positions in the food industry. The consumer food science programs typically place more emphasis on the relationships between food science, food preparation and consumer concerns about nutritional quality.
With a Bachelor in Medical Dietetics at Hungkuang University you will typically have taken a set of core and chosen modules including Biological Sciences, Nutrition and Food Science, Food Commodities, Applied Microbiology, Chemical and Instrumental Analysis of Foods, Essentials of Molecular Biology and Nutrition and Health
bachelors students: Employment opportunities: Nutrition and food research, graduate studies, research assistant, food manufacturing, food safety.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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