Course / programme / degree
1 Digital Humanities MA/MSc (Taught Degree)
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University College London United Kingdom London 2013-05-15
Interdisciplinary studies in the humanities will help you develop your skills in self-expression (both in writing and in oral presentation), objective analysis and critical evaluation, invaluable tools in later life. A humanities course can lead to a wide range of career options in, for example, teaching, publishing, the media, journalism, local government, voluntary agencies or research. Many employers prefer to employ graduates with a broad-based liberal arts education, rather than recruit graduates who have specialized in only one discipline.
A humanities course will also provide you with a solid basis for pursuing further vocational training in administration, finance, management, librarianship and other sectors.
With a Masters in Humanities at University College London you will have engaged with varied disciplines such as art, art history, languages and literatures, philosophy, history, theology and religious studies, music, English and theatre arts and performance studies
masters students: You will have engaged in advanced study and research in such diverse fields as Creative Writing, European History, International Politics and Security, Philosophy and Literature, Urban and Cultural History, a chosen language and Women, Culture & Society
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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1No further academic job vacancies found.
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