Course / programme / degree
1 Petroleum Engineering (Master)
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King Saud University Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2013-05-15
The Area of engineering has expanded greatly in recent decades, to include chemical engineers, computer software engineers, sales engineers, biomedical engineers and aeronautical and automotive engineering. The latter course, typically, targets those who wish to pursue a career in the aerospace industries, Government research establishments and appropriate branches of the armed forces.With a Masters in Engineering at King Saud University your first 2 years will, typically, have covered the basic principles of aerospace technologies and their application to aircraft and aero-engine design and development.Your final year of study will have involved work with Research Groups or in industry. You will also have engaged in challenging project work, allowing you to gain experience of real engineering problems.
masters students: You will have specialised in one or more advanced topics in aeronautical engineering, including such core modules as aerodynamics, dynamics and structures, coupled with a significant research project with an additional optional module in Aircraft Design, for example.
A selection of job offers in Science, Research, Academics or Administrative
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